Kamyab Zindagi 4 – Apne Talluqat ko Nikhariye

Kamyab Zindagi 4 – Apne Talluqat ko Nikhariye

Author: : Khalid Rahman
Pages: 286
Binding: Hardback
Year: Sep 2020
Language : Urdu
ISBN: 978-969-448-790-8
Publisher: IPS Press
Price: 500PKR,   


the Book

Zindagi 4 – Apne Talluqat ko Nikhariye
(A Successful Life: Refine
Your Relations) is the latest addition to the series of IPS Press publications
titled Kamyab Zindagi. The book emphasizes on the importance of
building, maintaining, and refining different type of relationships that exist
in our daily lives, in our surroundings, our society, and in our professional
and personal lives, including our relationship with the Almighty. Comprising
articles written in a very light-hearted manner, the book narrates several
motivating real-life stories from the author’s life as well as from the
experiences of his close acquaintances which left a profound impression on the
minds and lives of the people involved.

is pertinent to mention here that Kamyab Zindagi series is all about
changing behaviors and developing of a personality, aspiring to give a special
dimension to our thoughts in the perspective of individual and collective
behaviors by enticing us to learn from the events that we witness, hear, read
about, or ourselves become a part of.

by Executive President IPS Khalid Rahman, the book primarily is based on short
speeches of the author that were prepared for Raushni, a program of
Radio Pakistan.

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