Faraib-e-Na Tamam

Faraib-e-Na Tamam

Author:  Juma Khan Sufi
Language: Urdu 
Edition: 4th 
Year: 2020
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 735  
ISBN: 978-969-448-791-5
Publisher: IPS Press
Price: PKR2400 / USD40


About the Book

Written by renowned author, scholar and expert on Pak-Afghan affairs Juma Khan Sufi, the updated fourth edition of the title Faraib-e-Na Tamam is published by IPS Press. The book reveals how Kabul and Delhi have been hand-in-hand in instigating violence and secessionist movements in Pakistan, while maintaining that ‘Pashtunistan’ card was concocted by Kabul during Zahir Shah’s rule to have an excuse for interference inside Pakistan. The book also exposes how Kabul and Delhi developed a nexus to garner support for Pashtun and Baloch nationalists living in Pakistan with the objective of breaking up Pakistan. Delineating the role of foreign powers, the book mentions how nationalist figureheads from Sindh, Balochistan and the former NWFP received monetary and arms support from Kabul and Delhi in their efforts to destabilize Pakistan.

About the Author

Juma Khan Sufi is an acclaimed writer, former professor, political activist and an expert on Afghanistan and Pak-Afghan relations.

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